Gary Zizka Genealogy Research

Discover your personal link to history
Why use a professional researcher?
Many records are now available online, and more are being added all the time. Unfortunately, the conclusions people draw from those records are often erroneous, even as the vast bulk of records remain in libraries and archives and need to be searched out by hand.
Our goal is to help you wade through the on-line misinformation and misattributions by applying the Genealogical Proof Standard to the evidence, producing written reports with documentation, and performing original archival research when needed.

Based in Washington DC, with research experience in and ready access to the National Archives I and II, the DAR Library, the Library of Congress, and a large LDS Family History Center in nearby Kensington, Maryland, we are ideally situated to help you find out where your people come from, when they arrived, and where and how they lived.
Focus Areas
We specialize in research on early New England, New York, Pennsylvania, the Mid-West, Military Records, Immigration to the USA and the identity of the immigrant’s place of origin. We also have experience with records in the UK, Ireland, Germany and the Czech Republic.
We would strive to find these kinds of records describing your family’s journey: birth, marriage, death, military service and pensions, immigration and naturalization records, probate records and wills, federal and state census records, court records (civil and criminal), church records, land ownership records and maps, city and rural directories, school and professional records, newspaper accounts, among others. These types of records can tell a fascinating story about how you came to be.

About Gary Zizka
Gary Zizka has been pursuing genealogical research for more than 15 years. He is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists and a graduate of ProGen 35 (an 18-month in-depth peer learning course on genealogical methods and analysis). He has also participated in the week-long Genealogical Institute on Federal Records conference on federal genealogy research in DC, and a 3-day seminar on the use of the New York State Library and Archives, among other institutes and programs.
Gary is a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the New York Biographical and Genealogical Society, The National Genealogical Society and several county-level societies and ethnic organizations. Many of these organizations provide access to specialized collections of records and materials.

Fee Schedule
Introductory evaluation and research plan to examine the information you have in hand, and to identify possible research aims and strategies…………FREE.
Document research & retrieval from DC-area repositories…………………………$75/hr
Research and produce report with documentation…………………… $75/hr
Other fee structures may be negotiated on a project basis.
Get in Touch
Gary Zizka is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today.